Work has moved out of the city of Hanoi to the province of
Bac Ninh. Facilities and infrastructure is so much better but the work still
remains the same, mundane.
The journey to work takes an hour on motorbike and there are
2 routes that I could take to work. The big highway with the speeding trucks,
cross winds and roadside police stops or the rural roads through villages and
farms. Well, its obvious that the latter is chosen. The roads out of the city
feel rather tranquil with the passing villages where you get a glimpse of the
simple village life outside the city. Kids running around, flying kites, people
bringing their herds of cows and horses out to graze together with kids playing
football. But what I found rather peaceful is the stretch of roads that passes
by the many rice farms. Every time I pass it, it somehow feels different with
the different lighting and stuff going on. I can’t help but feel a sense of
serenity when I pass by these farms and rice fields with farmers working on
then, but then I arrive at the big empty 4-lane road that leads to the
industrial park which means I’ve arrived at work.
Reality check bro. fml.
Btw these roads are quite scary at night with no streetlights
and it gets worst when it rains.