Monday, May 13, 2013

Musings from the cafe yet again.

So I don't know what has been happening to me. I'm not my usual  self these few days. I tend to be more pessimistic and grumpy at times. I'm not socializing with random ppl as much as I used to. In fact none at all! I went for a music festival ALONE and went out of it without knowing anyone new. This is really unacceptable. Nowadays, whilst riding to work, I find myself thinking really pessimistically emoing about my current predicament - not being able to have much free time to immerse into te culture and the fact that time is all wasted on a job which has no value to me. And I attribute it to the current situation I'm in. Shitty work conditions and stupid job scope. I really wonder if I can find any drive to carry on for the next 3 months anymore. 

Many people say I've got a good life of traveling. Yea it's true, ive seen many things, but they do not see the shitty side of things that I've got to face. And you can learn that everything isn't all that it seems and live by it. 

I really did not come here to see the warehouse the whole day. I came here to see Vietnam and maybe some Vietnamese girls haha. Come on... To some celestial power pls grant me that wish. 

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