Saturday, April 6, 2013

so far nothing has gone well since i arrived in Hanoi. My first accommodation was somewhat different from what i'm used to back home, in budget hostels, student accommodate back home, around Europe and while travelling. just fyi. i showered in cold water from a pail! haha. certainly something to remember next time.

Many a time when I'm alone here, I wonder if all these has been worth it. I gave up a position with Exxon, gave up studying for a sem, gave up being there for my friends and loved ones, gave up the comfort of my home and the comfort of being in a developed country and I'm not saving much money for my grad trip here anyway, intact I'll be exceeding my costs here. Oh wells.. After all, I said I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. And this is as out of my comfort zone I can get. Outside the comfort zone of te comfort zone of the comfort Zone. Like in the desert and barren lands of Australia. Or the gobi desert. Haha you get the point.

work has been overly hectic, i've not gotten a life here. conditions wise, it isn't as nice as saigon nor is the workload as forgiving. i've been OTing everyday and my first weekend was spent in the warehouse man.

moved to my next accommodation. it wasn't what it seemed from the pictures on airbnb. the landlord wasn't as friendly as i expected. i told him i wanted a bike when i moved in but noooo i didnt get one. and i almost couldnt get to work.

but i must thank my colleague to have helped me through everything in hanoi so far. i think i would be feeling much worst now if not for him.

hope things will become better and i get to meet more friends.

1 comment:

  1. taking a break from my studying and came here :D SO GLAD U UPDATED! jiayou at whatever you are doing, i think your experience is very very unique and awesome. praying that favour be upon you and many genuine friendships to be forged! hardship brings about perseverance, and perseverance, character. :) go go go! :)
